PPX Mobile App Bridge that Read,Write & Connects Health & Insurance Data

For more information contact:
Debra L. Griffin
(601) 968-2468
App Bridges Technology Gap and Disrupts Barriers to Patient Engagement
PPX-Tec provides both patient and provider access to medical records via Bluetooth.
JACKSON, MS – (February 12, 2019) – Imagine having years of your medical history available at the swipe of your fingertips securely. The burden of recalling last year’s treatment, prescription, dose or insurance coverage to your current, new or referred provider is alleviated, and the data for your next doctor’s visit is easily captured. The Health and Human Services (HHS) have called for new standards issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) in securely sharing patient data across systems. Because of one woman’s health scare,there’s an app for that.
When veteran healthcare administrator, Debra Griffin, was fighting a battle with breast cancer in 1989, she was also in the fight to obtain, understand and make decisions based on health records regarding her diagnosis and treatments. The night prior to surgery, she requested to see her medical records. While there was tremendous resistance, she knew she had a right to review her records. Griffin had no internet access, and to advocate for her right as a patient was new territory.
Griffin’s first-hand patient advocacy led to the development of PPX-Tec, a patient-provider exchange through a stand-alone mobile solution. She has been on a mission to empower patients with complete control over their medical data and shift the dynamic on how medical data is shared. Government healthcare regulators are now moving the needle.
The PPX-Tec app is a game-changer. In 2015 Griffin personally presented PPX to ONC in potentially providing a valuable interoperability resource. Clinic trials were completed November 2018. A subsequent visit with ONC and HHS representatives led to a commitment of funding a 90/10 Use Case Demonstration Project with Griffin sourcing a state Medicaid partner. Griffin was also invited to present PPX-Tec at the 2018 national conference of Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI), an official advisors to HHS and ONC on healthcare IT to foster and improve information exchange.
While transparency in electronic health information (EHI) has been gaining traction with listings of hospital charges, the recent announcement by government policymakers will directly affect programs like Medicare, Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act and the millions of Americans who subscribe to these services. The rules will strengthen enforcement of the 21stCentury Cures Act by publicly reporting hospitals practicing “information-blocking” that deny a patient’s right to EHI. The new policy will mandate core requirements in API standards along with provider vocabulary and training to make interoperabililty seamless.
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CMS Administrator Seema Verma stated, “By requiring health insurers to share their information in an accessible format by 2020, 125 million patients will have access to their health claims information electronically. This unprecedented step toward a healthcare future where patients are able to obtain and share their health data, securely and privately, with just a few clicks, is just the beginning of a digital data revolution that truly empowers American patients.”
“I believe that all patients should share in the ownership of their records in a simple and practical manner,” Griffin said. “Sharing health data enables the patient to more actively participate in their treatment and improve their quality of life. PPX is a non-threatening, patient engagement opportunity platform to send and receive health and insurance data between patients and providers across the healthcare delivery system. Accessing and integrating medical history to form a comprehensive, holistic approach for care is no longer a challenge due to PPX’s unique share menu and paired functioning. The PPX app is a bridge,” she explained.
During each doctor’s visit, the patient can use the PPX-Tec mobile app paired, one app on the patient’s smart device and the other app installed on the provider’s medical device to access and share health and insurance data via Bluetooth, signaled with a secure, self-generating token or code. This is particularly useful in rural areas where internet connection may be spotty and those you don't use computers but are smart device savvy. The app can bypass data blocking when moving patient data over different EHI systems at the patient’s or provider’s request. Plus, the app is cloud-ready and serves as a bridge to email, print, or export records as a PDF, Numbers document, CSV, HTML or XML.
In addition to sharing data with healthcare providers, PPX can share info with insurance companies and social services entities, creating a win-win for treatment of the whole patient and for detecting and thwarting fraud. Data integration on this scale can save lives and reduce the cost of healthcare.
For more information on PPX, its mobile solutions and its stakeholders, visit ppx-tec.com.
About PPC-Tec, LLC
PPX-Tec, LLC is a software research and development company in operation seven years creating innovative improvements and tech solutions for data literacy and usability. PPX Tec’s vision is to improve healthcare through patient-provider engagement and information access to make the best possible decisions for care and treatment.